If you're like me, this time of year is awkward for you. There's a lot of people that think that Christmas things should wait till after Thanksgiving. Even if that means breaking out the Christmas music right after the last dish of turkey and mashed with potatoes gravy is cleared. I am definitely one of those people. So this post is for those of you still have a few scary movies on your watchlist and feel like October flew by way too fast. These four books will prolong the spooky vibes.

The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black
A dystopian twist on a classically chilling vampire tale. This book tells of a society overrun by vampires and the disease is spreading fast. If you are found to have the disease or think you may have it you are quarantined in a Coldtown, famous cities broadcasted to the outside world. But things aren't always as they seem on TV. Caution to readers: While this book only has some mild sexual content (kissing and some talk), the violence is realistically described and sometimes gruesome.
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Jane Austen & Seth Grahame-Smith
A timeless classic with a twist. All of the characters you love in a thrilling new setting. What girl needs a man when she's the most skilled zombie slayer in England? This book takes the original text by Austin and seamlessly interweaves Graham-Smith's apocalyptic world. A word to the wise, while most violence is not gorey and almost comical, it is blunt.

Betrayal by R.L. Stine
From the man who brought you Goosebumps a story that begins in one of Americas darker times. The witch trials. The town’s most powerful brothers, the Fiers, are responsible for finding the witches in their settlement. But, when a wife and daughter are wrongly accused of performing witchcraft the Fiers unknowingly take on an evil that will haunt their family for centuries. I am currently reading this book and so far it's only scary enough to give me minor doubts about the security of my room at night. I'll post a full length review when I finish it.

This book is on my TBR list and it looks like it will be a good one. Here’s an excerpt from the back cover:
As a youth, Trevor Black unleashed spiritual forces he couldn't comprehend. Years later, Trevor is a high-flying criminal defense lawyer in New York City, with a six-figure Aston Martin and a trophy wife. But in an extraordinary turn of events, he receives a burdensome gift: the ability to perceive the invisible. And the dark forces he now sees are all gunning for him.
When one of Trevor's hometown friends is murdered, the MO is eerily similar to a shocking trail of murders that have already crossed the lawyer's path. So Trevor must return home to find the killer. . . and face not only his own personal demons, but supernatural ones as well.
Currently Reading: Betrayal by R.L. Stine
*All Photos taken from https://www.goodreads.com/